
Cleaning Policy

Cleaning Policy

  1. We clean garments in accordance to manufacturers label. If a garment is mislabelled at the manufacturer it is the responsibility of the manufacturer not Spinz. If the customer removes cleaning instructions we will use our expertise to make a cleaning decision, but it will be the customer who is responsible.

  2. Trims are often added after manufacturing, when we see trims that concern us we may feel it necessary to have a ‘Customer’s Own Risk’ signed. We will not clean the item until a C.O.R. is in place. We are not responsible for buttons, beads, sequins, vinyl or any trims, silk-screening or any other accessory added to a garment.

  3. Stains and Spots can be a spill of any kind on a customer’s garment. To remove, we ask that no chemicals be introduced to the spot and that the type of spot is identified. Spots can quite often be removed, but our success can vary from garment to garment depending on material, age of stain and what the customer has done with it.

  4. Loss due to dry cleaning error. A) Loss of item claims will be resolved based on age of garment and industry accepted procedures. We require 2 weeks to search for garment. B) Incompatible cleaning approach When garment is clearly labelled. Example: shrinkage by operator error. Reimbursement will be in accordance to recognized industry formulas. C) Equipment malfunction or item damaged in load (example ink from pen left in pocket) First we will attempt to re-clean the garment. If the damage is not reversible, reimbursement will be in accordance with recognized industry formulas. D) Customer is not happy with cleaning or pressing. We will gladly re-clean a garment provided it has not been worn. All complaints must be within 15 days of cleaning.